FuelMaster AIM on Medics

City of Naperville Tracy Rulo
Feb 08, 2023 03:44 PM 2 Answers General
Member Since Nov 2022
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Is anyone using Fuelmaster fuel system with AIM devices installed on your medics?

What issues, if any, have you experienced with interference/conflict with other systems tied into ODB-II?

3 Subscribers
City of Naperville Tracy Rulo
McHenry County Division of Transportation Benjamin Justen
Village of Schaumburg Brian Rafferty
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Best Answer
Feb 08, 2023

Similar to what Benjamin mentioned, Schaumburg installed the AIM modules on our units, but kept running into issues. Ultimately, the same decision was made. We removed the AIM modules, utilized ProKeys, and the drivers enter the meter reading themselves.

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Best Answer
Feb 08, 2023

We use Fuelmaster and started using the AIM modules on our vehicles as it is supposed to make fuel and milage reporting "idiot" proof. We had a few vehicles that would throw all sorts of check engine lights and have performance issues. Everything traced back to issues with the AIM module causing the issues. Since then we have just gone to ProKeys and the drivers have to enter mileage. Other than a few that cant remember the mileage from the vehicle to the keypad, a couple feet, we havent had many issues that way other than occasionally having to reprogram the ProKey.

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