Looking for suggestions for companies that build trucks for main breaks. Preferably a step van type truck.
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Hanover Park uses Sauber Mfg.
Have 1 on order, they have built our last 2.
Prices went way up.
F59 Ford chassis, Utilimaster body.
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Sauber built ours as well. Same as Lana through Sutton Ford.
Contact Justin Farr for more information.
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We currently have out main break truck being built by Sauber; F59 chassis from Sutton Ford and Utilimaster body.
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We have a step van built by Sauber, https://saubermfg.com/ and two service trucks built by Lindco.
Good morning. We just purchased a step van truck for our Water Division last year. We purchased a Freightliner MT55 through Transchicago and worked with Utilimaster for the upfit. The water division LOVES it, as they were using a cargo van prior to this upgrade.
Reach out if you’d like me to send some photographs or if you/team would like to see about setting up a date to see it in person. Thanks!